August 21, 2013 by Rebecca Herman This morning I got the text from the San Diego Padres about this day in Padres history … August 11, 2011 … Trevor Hoffman‘s Retirement Ceremony. Wow – what memories came flooding back about that…
August 21, 2013 by Rebecca Herman This morning I got the text from the San Diego Padres about this day in Padres history … August 11, 2011 … Trevor Hoffman‘s Retirement Ceremony. Wow – what memories came flooding back about that…
August 3, 2013 by Rebecca Herman We knew it was a sell-out and would be a crazy night in the Gaslamp – and that was certainly true. As usual, we entered early as season ticket holders. Thirty minutes later, the gates…
June 1, 2013 by Rebecca Herman Hardly! It’s Friday night, May 31, 2013 … the first of a three game series with the Padres hosting the Blue Jays. It is inter-league play and we seem to have many Canadians (Blue Jay fans)…